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Veteran Certification Form

This form is ONLY for Veterans, and you must be able to provide a veteran identification card to be eligible.

  • If you are a Veteran and new to the program, please proceed with submitting the certification form below.
  • If you are a Veteran who is currently enrolled in this program AND your current enrollment has already expired or is set to expire within the next 90 days, you can submit this certification form INSTEAD of getting recertified by your Health Care Practitioner.
  • If you are a Veteran who is currently enrolled in this program BUT your enrollment is NOT expired yet or set to expire within the next 90 days, you must wait until you are eligible for recertification to submit this special Veteran’s certification form.
  • If you are NOT a Veteran, please see information on the general enrollment process HERE.

VETERANS, PLEASE NOTE: If you prefer, you can still opt to go through the enrollment process by getting certified by a registered Health Care Practitioner. If you choose to enroll through your Health Care Practitioner, please contact them directly for certification.

Personal Information

* indicates a required field.

Please confirm that your email address is correct. Incorrect email addresses will delay your enrollment process.

Patient Medical Diagnosis

Medical Conditions (check all that apply) *

Veteran Verification Document

Please click "Upload" below to submit an image of your veteran identification card. The only acceptable file formats are JPEG, JPG, PNG, GIF, TIF, or BMP. We cannot accept PDF files.

Please ensure the image is clear and all of the text is legible before you submit this form.


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